Saturday, December 10, 2011

সাদা ময়ুর (White Peafowl)

Besides the India Blue, whites are the most well known peafowl type to non-enthusiasts. Contrary to popular belief, whites are not albinos, because their eyes are blue, not pink.

The white is a color mutation, and although it can carry other genes, such as the blackshoulder and white-eyed, they are not visible because of its completely white color.

Males are, as their name implies, completely white. Faint eyespots can be distinguished in the train by a thin layer of off white that surrounds the ocelli. The actual seeing eyes of the birds are blue.

It is speculated there may be a few white peafowl bred naturally in India. White was one of the first variations to be discovered and made popular, and has been around for many years.

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